Experience our culture

Experience our culture

Experience our culture

Experience our culture

We want our employees to feel free, to be bold, to experiment, and to take risks. For that, our people need to be independent thinkers and comfortable with their peers. We do our best to achieve this by fostering a learning environment and caring in everything we do. 

Home away from home

Home away from home

Home away from home

We care about freedom, everyone’s right to express themselves and act in the right manner. We care about respect, respecting differences, respecting views and our colleagues and partners.

Your life journey at Mega will be guided by these values, to make our company a place where you and your peers can change the world.

Minds We Share

Minds we share

Minds We Share

At Mega we believe the pursuit of knowledge keeps us humble, agile and at the top of our game. The application of world-class knowledge guided by our Mega Values is the cornerstone of Mega culture.

That’s why we regularly gather to exchange knowledge and gain wisdom at Minds We Share. A conclave where we invite world renowned speakers to offer new perspectives, participants then cascade these learnings to their worldwide teams. Our teams leave Minds We Share refreshed and empowered to be bold, to be courageous, and to challenge conventional wisdom.

Responsibility to yourself

Responsibility to yourself

Responsibility to yourself

Caring for human wellness is far more than just a company goal – it’s at the beating heart of an ambitious and proud company culture. It’s a cause that unites our 6,000+ strong team across the world, sparking ingenuity, passion, and a zest for life. This has created a learning organization that believes in Thinking, Changing, and Growing.