Can Bananas Make You Cough?

Can bananas make you cough? Let’s find out!

Key highlights or summary

  • Asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergy, and exposure to ripening agents are some of the reasons for coughing after eating a banana.
  • Banana allergies are more prevalent in people with asthma or atopic dermatitis.
  • Latex-fruit syndrome and anaphylaxis are some of the banana allergies with cough as one of the symptoms.
  • Consuming banana is beneficial in dry cough, acid reflux cough, and even for sore throat.
  • Bananas release histamine, a chemical that can increase mucus production.
  • Eating bananas may cause cough in some individuals but not in all individuals. 

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You can eat bananas with a dry cough. Mixing it with a teaspoon of honey and two pinches of black pepper daily can be remedial for a dry cough.  

Moderate banana consumption at night can be beneficial for promoting better sleep due to its nutritional content including potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

If you are suffering from conditions like allergic rhinitis or asthma or allergies to bananas, then eating bananas can worsen the cold and cough symptoms. 

Fresh fruits, especially pineapple and citrus fruits like kiwi have been shown to relieve cough and wheezing. 

If you experience coughing every time after consuming a banana, you could be allergic to it. Consult your healthcare provider for confirmed diagnosis and further guidance.