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Intimate hygiene is essential for women’s well-being. Learn why it matters, common mistakes, and how to keep your intimate area healthy and fresh.
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It is best to avoid using soap inside your vagina. The vagina is self-cleaning, and using soap can disrupt its natural balance. If you feel the need to use a cleanser, opt for mild, unscented soap on the external area only.
No, douching is not necessary and can actually be harmful. It disrupts the natural bacterial balance in your vagina and increases the risk of infections.
During your period, it is important to change your pad or tampon every 4-6 hours to maintain proper hygiene and prevent bacterial growth.
Cotton underwear is the best choice because it is breathable and helps keep your intimate area dry. Avoid synthetic fabrics that trap moisture and heat.
A mild, natural odor is completely normal. However, if you notice a strong or fishy smell, it could be a sign of an infection like bacterial vaginosis, and you should see a doctor.
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