Good Liver Health Tips: Take Care Of Your Small 'Superhero'

Liver Health Tips

Key highlights or summary

  • Liver health is important to keep essential body processes such as digestive and metabolic ones, running smoothly.
  • The liver conducts essential functions like flushing out toxins, regulating blood sugar levels, and helping blood clot properly.
  • Telltale signs of an unhealthy liver include yellowing of nails and eye whites, unexplained itching and rashes, swollen ankles/feet, and abdominal twinges of pain.
  • Habits and things that can cause liver-related problems include consuming foods with excessive salts, excessive sugar, trans-fats; being chronically stressed; being obese; smoking cigarettes; practicing unsafe sex; and consuming contaminated food/water.
  • Taking vaccines on schedule is essential for preventing liver problems arising out of hepatitis viruses.
  • A healthy liver can boost overall immunity, regulate metabolic processes, give good skin and hair, reduce aches and pains, and lessen digestive issues.

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