Does Drinking Tea Help With Period Cramps?

tea good for period cramps

Key highlights or summary

  • What causes menstrual discomfort?
  • Learn about the types of tea good for period.
  • How the different types of tea help with cramps.
  • How teas treat different symptoms of the menstrual cycle, and not just cramps.
  • How herbal teas have can have an overarching benefit on your menstrual cycle.

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There is no doubt that, as a natural home remedy, tea is good for period. Amongst a number of natural remedies that have been tried and tested over generations, Red Raspberry, Ginger, Chamomile, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Green tea, Thyme and Oolong tea are said to have the best results in reducing and easing period pain. These teas that help with period cramps are easy to find and can be made anytime through the day.

Ginger is a popular ingredient in Indian households and is known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which can help with easing period pains. To enjoy ginger tea benefits for periods, steep fresh ginger slices or grated ginger in hot water for about 10 minutes. You can also find ready-made ginger tea bags or blends at grocery stores or specialty tea shops. It is recommended to consume ginger tea for period a few times a day, starting a day or two before your period begins, and continuing throughout your menstrual cycle for maximum relief.

When it comes to teas that help with period cramps, herbal teas are a natural choice. Herbal teas ease various ailments and illnesses, especially when taken over a long period of time and consistently. Red Raspberry, Ginger, Chamomile, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Green tea, Thyme and Oolong are said to have the best results in reducing and easing period pain. The warmth of the tea can also provide a comforting sensation and promote relaxation.

Yes, green tea for periods is known to have soothing, calming effects on the body and mind and is meant to help reduce cramping during periods. The act of sipping a warm cup of herbal tea can have a calming effect on the mind and contribute to overall psychological well-being. Managing stress and promoting relaxation can indirectly help ease period pain and improve the overall menstrual experience.

Irregular periods can have multiple reasons and should always be checked by a professional. However, there are certain things you can do at home that can help regulate your periods. Ginger is known to help in the uterine muscle contractions and facilitates hormonal balance. It can also help standardize irregular periods. Ginger along with lime and a dash of honey makes for a great tea that helps with period cramps, and also promotes metabolism.