Your body gets more “C” with NAT C!



Your body gets more “C” with NAT C!

High strength Vitamin C formula that is a unique blend of buffered ascorbic acid and natural components to give better bio-available and gentle 1000 mg Vitamin C. NAT C helps to boost immunity, reduces severity & duration of common cold and also boosts collagen formation.

Available in

Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia

Stomach Friendly Buffered vitamic C with natural extracts rich in Vit C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient. Being a water soluble vitamin, our body cannot store Vitamin C. Conditions like stress & infections tend to lower the levels of vitamin C in our body. At the same time, with so many viruses around it’s important to build strong immunity & keep infections at bay. Therefore it’s important to replenish the reserves of Vitamin C with daily vitamin C supplementation.

NAT C contains Vitamin C along with lemon bioflavonoids, Hesperidin, Rutin, & additional natural sources of vitamin C like Rosehip and Acerola. With abundance of health benefits NAT C not only is a powerful anti-oxidant & immune booster, it also helps you maintain healthy skin, strong gums and muscles. Being in a buffered salt form, NAT C is gentle on your stomach.

  • Boosts immunity and prevents recurrent infections like common cold
  • Improves gum health
  • Improves skin elasticity making the skin softer and younger
  • Faster healing of wounds


Indication/When to use:

  • To build strong immunity
  • To reduce frequency & severity of common cold
  • For healthy skin
  • For healthy tendons, gums
  • For faster recovery from infections / illness

How to use:

  • One tablet daily with meal or as directed by physician.

Each tablet of NAT C contains:

For total Ascorbic Acid 1 g

  • Ascorbic Acid  300 mg
  • Sodium Ascorbate 353 mg
  • Calcium Ascorbate 412 mg
  • For total Ascorbic Acid  1 g
  • Rutin 50 mg
  • Hesperidin  50 mg
  • Bioflavonoids  50 mg
  • Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Ext  250 mg
  • Acerola Extract equivalent to dry fruit flesh 50 mg

Frequently asked questions

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NAT C is a high dose vitamin C formula. Vitamin C is an important nutrient which cannot be made or stored by our body. Getting high dose of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables require consumption of larger portions, which sometimes seem impractical. Thus supplementation helps maintain or replenish the reserves of Vitamin C in body.

Vitamin C helps body to produce new immune cells and also enhances the ability of immune cells to fight against microbes. Vitamin C also protects the immune cell from free radical damage, thereby supporting our body’s immune system to remain strong.

Take 1 tablet daily with a meal or as directed by physician.

Our body produces a lot of unstable molecules known as free radicals during normal cell metabolism. These free radicals may accumulate and cause damage to cells leading to various chronic diseases. NAT C is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps preventing free radical damage to cells leading to overall better health and wellbeing.

Yes. When seasons change there is an increased presence of virus and allergens in the air. If your immune system is compromised you are more susceptible to catching these infections. Supplementation of vitamin C using NAT C can help to nourish and support your body’s immune system and improve your resistance to infections.

Yes. Skin is held together and given structure by collagen. Vitamin C is essential in the production and proper formation of collagen in the body. Additionally, vitamin C is an antioxidant and can help reduce damage caused to the skin by scavenging free radicals. NAT C when used regularly may help to improve skin elasticity, glow and complexion.

Yes. However, it is recommended to take NAT C only after seeking advice from your doctor during pregnancy and lactation.

If you accidentally skip a dose, you can take the missed dose as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, you can skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to compensate for a missed dose.

There are no side effects of NAT C when taken in recommended dose. Taking very high doses of NAT C can lead to ill effects like nausea and diarrhoea which go away once the dose is reduced or stopped

Yes. All the structures in our body need adequate collagen to maintain their structural integrity. Your gums bleed because the strength of the blood vessels in them are compromised when there is no enough collagen. Vitamin C is vital to produce collagen in the body as well as for boosting immunity required to fight gum infections. Taking NAT C regularly can prevent you from developing Vitamin C deficiency and keep your gums healthy.

Hesperidin helps to increase the levels of Vitamin C in body. Also, Hesperidin is an anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory agent. Rutin is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory. Rutin also has important benefits such as neuro-protection, anti-diabetic action, and some anticancer activities.

Acerola is a very rich natural source of vitamin C. Rosehip is also one of the rich natural sources of vitamin C. The blend of natural vitamin C sources, bioflavonoids & buffered ascorbic acid make NAT C an ideal choice as an immune-booster, anti-oxidant & for building healthy skin, bones and teeth

Flavonoids are plant-based and have multiple therapeutic benefits. Citrus bioflavonoids in NAT C increase the absorption of Vitamin C in body & help to increase levels of vitamin C in the cells. They are powerful antioxidants and protect cells against oxidative stress and free-radical damage. Also, citrus bioflavonoids can modify the body's reaction to other compounds such as allergens, viruses and carcinogens. They can act as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiviral and anti-carcinogenic

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